Rapid alignment for fast-moving brands.

When you need to get answers fast, our collaborative, in-person workshops help leadership teams uncover opportunities in real-time so they can act with speed.


The power of collaborative problem-solving.

We’ll work together to find a path forward for your brand.

How it works.


Pre-Workshop Planning

You choose the workshop option that best serves your needs and your preference for a full or half-day session

Together we determine the participant list needed to ensure all necessary voices are represented

You share any preparatory info, and we gather any research needed for the workshop itself


Workshop Collaboration

We will run your team through a series of information-gathering, problem solving, and ideation exercises to learn where your brand stands on the topic at hand

We’ll follow a divergent to convergent exploration process where we synthesize information as we go to uncover patterns, common ground, and promising opportunities

The session wraps up with a breakdown of next steps based on the insights uncovered during the exercises


Post-Workshop Distillation

We develop and deliver a document recapping the processes and outputs of the workshop

We provide refined recommendations for next steps based on the workshop itself and further synthesis of the big ideas discussed

Together we develop an action plan based on the recap and refined recommendations

Our workshop programs.

Brand Planning

Define your branding needs

If you’re not sure where to start with your branding projects, our Brand Planning workshops are the perfect way to establish your firm’s needs, priorities, questions, and constraints. Working with your leadership team, we’ll define a path forward for brand development.

Business/Brand Alignment

Bring viability to your vision

Every vision-led business needs to find a balance between its practical business needs and its brand ideals. Our Business/Brand Alignment workshops allow your leadership team to assess your business context alongside the brand vision to find opportunities that serve both with minimal compromise.

User Insight Development

Build solutions that resonate

Everyone knows it’s critical to understand your audience’s needs. Our User Insight Development workshops analyze user insights by using Design Thinking principles to uncover win-win solutions that meet both the needs of your audience and the goals and competencies of your business.

Want to learn more about how workshops can help your brand?

Get started today with a free intro consultation.